Cellular Technology Can Help Prevent Dementia

The thought of oneself, or a loved one, developing dementia is a harrowing one. It is currently estimated that there are more than 44 million people worldwide with dementia, with 5 million in the United States alone. While there are many therapies and pharmaceuticals available to help ease the symptoms associated with dementia, simply switching on a phone in this age of technology can prove to be beneficial as well as many games and apps offering an array of activities to keep the mind in tip-top shape.

Brain-training games may seem trivial but there are in fact numerous mobile and computer games that can sharpen the mind and potentially prevent a number of cognitive diseases such as general dementia and Alzheimer’s. There are quite a few interesting facts to note when looking at brain-training applications from the perspective of someone wanting to prevent the onset of dementia. While playing these games will not turn anyone into the next Einstein there is sufficient evidence to suggest that games that challenge your working memory and mental agility can significantly contribute towards keeping the neural connections in your brain strong.


Free from the Android Play Store and iOS App Store, Lumosity offers the user an ever-expanding set of scientific and cognitive games that are designed to improve your working memory and stimulate your brain daily. Games like these are designed to improve your ability to focus on the right things while learning to ignore things that aren’t of any importance. Lumosity is one of the best-rated brain-training games available with in excess of 60 million users globally.


Dakim is a self-proclaimed brain fitness program that offers users a set of puzzles and games that are specifically designed to give your brain an intense and comprehensive workout. The Dakim program gives the user access to more than 100 individual brain exercises that are created to improve concentration and attention – the exact type of mental tasks known to play a significant role in preventing dementia.

Fit Brains Trainer

This application helps enhance your memory, brain speed, and focus by giving you full access to more than 360 puzzles and games. The app is very cleverly designed to increase in difficulty the better you get, ensuring that you will always be presented with a challenge. Fit Brains Trainer is available for free from iOS App Store and the Google Play store.

Cognifit Brain Fitness

Available for free from the iOS App store, Cognifit Brain Fitness allows users to access a wide variety of well-designed and fun games designed by neuroscientists. As a user you will have the ability to track your progress and even start off with a cognitive assessment. If you are in the mood for a bit of competitive fun you can challenge your friends to play the game to, making it all the more interesting.

Prevention is the Key

As distressing as dementia is and as inconclusive as some of the studies surrounding the effectiveness of brain training games may be, there is absolute no harm in engaging in a number of challenging and entertaining cellular activities. If nothing more, it is a great way to pass time and leave one feeling happy and relaxed, two very important factors for anyone battling with dementia.

Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and traveling as much as possible.

Sally is a guest blogger and kindly shared this story on preventing dementia with us.